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Li Weimin 黎微明 Vice President & CTO, Jiangsu Leadmicro Nano-Technology Co., Ltd 江苏微导纳米科技有限公司副董事长兼CTO |
个人简介 / Biography 黎微明,英文名:LIWEIMIN,男,芬兰籍,公司副董事长兼CTO,芬兰赫尔辛基大学无机化学博士。研究方向为薄膜电致发光及原子层沉积技术。ALD金属材料和工艺领域国际知名专家。拥有25年以上的原子层沉积(ALD)技术的研发和产业化经验,掌握国际领先的ALD技术,在国际ALD技术领域享有较高声誉。其研究成果影响广泛,在国际主流杂志发表论文22项,多项论文引领ALD技术的发展潮流,对ALD技术的进一步发展做出了重要贡献。 黎微明博士是国际ALD会议技术委员会成员,中国ALD会议发起人,联合主席,SEMI中国光标核心委员,2016年荣获省双创人才,被聘为江苏省第四批产业教授,是无锡市“太湖人才计划”领军团队带头人,江苏省“双创团队”带头人。荣获2020年“典赞.科技江苏”十大创新创业人物荣誉。 摘要 / Abstract Atomic Layer Deposition (ALD) is a key technology for deposition of conformal and pinhole-free thin films on the most challenging nano-architectures such as ultra-thin high-k dielectrics, ultra-high aspect ratio trenches, through-silicon vias, nano-powders and through-porous structures. In an ALD process, different chemical precursors are introduced to a substrate surface via saturated surface chemisorption reaction with well-separated pulses, resulting in film growth on sub-nanometer scale. Unlike many other deposition technique, ALD film thickness and composition can be well controlled and adjusted at atomic layer level, enables preparation of highly organized and functional materials, such as graded layer nanolaminates, mixed oxides and tunable semiconductor thin films. Since the initial deployment of ALD thin film as passivation layer for magnetic reader heads for hard disk drives in the 90’s, ALD technology experienced rapid expansion for data storage applications ranging from low cost HDD to high value added random access memories today. A variety of novel ALD materials and processes have been successfully used for high volume production. Continuous development for higher data storage density and faster data access speed also calls for additional innovation on device structures and integrations with new materials and processes. The authors examine fundamentals of ALD chemistries for some well-known processes that have been used for advanced memory applications. Recent development of domestic ALD technology in advanced memory device manufacturing is highlighted. |