Become a CSTIC 2025 Sponsor
Align your company with the CSTIC, the most highly respected semiconductor technology conferences in the industry in Asia. The attendees are an excellent audience to expand your brand image to new and existing markets. Take a look at the 2024 post conference report and see for yourself who your sponsorship will reach.
Who Attends
Your company is seen by >800 attendees worldwide, covering the spectrum of leading semiconductor technology interests including:
• Academia
• Chief Technology Officers
• Fab Managers
• Equipment Manufacturers
• IC Manufacturers
• Materials Suppliers
• Operations Managers
• Process Engineers
• Product Managers
• Technical Experts
* Sponsorship opportunities can be tailored to meet your specific branding and marketing objectives.
Xianbo Sun
Tel: 86-21-60278569
Sponsor Brochure
In addition to individual benefits listed in this sponsor brochure, each opportunity includes the following benefits:
Company logo listed on conference guide as a sponsor
Company logo on CSTIC and SEMICON China website as a sponsor
Company logo listed on Plenary session conference room backdrop as a sponsor
Company logo placed in promotion emails
SEMI members receive 20% discount on all sponsorships
Pricing: Non-member (member)
Diamond Sponsor - US$50000(US$40000) Limited to 2 sponsors
One page ad. on cover 2 or 3 of conference proceeding
One year of company logo on CSTIC website and promotion email as a diamond sponsor
Opportunity to provide a gift to attendees with your company logo (provided by sponsor)
120sec company promotion video before CSTIC plenary session on March 24 and 10 parallel symposia on March 24-25
Lunch and banquet dinner together with conference committees and plenary speakers
One company Roll-up at premier location (provided by sponsor)
10 complimentary conference registrations, including conference materials
Company collateral distributed with conference bags
2m*3m exhibition booth with one table and two chairs
Platinum Sponsor - US$30000(US$24000) Limited to 2 sponsors
All conference delegates badge inserts and lanyards (2000 sets)
90sec company promotion video before CSTIC plenary session on March 24 and 10 parallel symposia on March 24-25
One company Roll-up at premier location (provided by sponsor)
8 complimentary conference registrations, including conference materials
Company collateral distributed with conference bags
2m*3m exhibition booth with one table and two chairs
Banquet - US$20000(US$16000) Limited to 2 sponsors
Give a <3min talk at the beginning of the banquet
60sec company promotion video before CSTIC plenary session on March 24 and 10 parallel symposia on March 24-25
Poster signage with your company logo at banquet
6 complimentary conference registrations, including conference materials
One company Roll-up at premier location (provided by sponsor)
Company collateral distributed with conference bags
2m*3m exhibition booth with one table and two chairs
Networking Luncheon - US$12500(US$10000) Limited to 2 sponsors
Poster signage with your company logo at Luncheon
4 complimentary conference registrations, including conference materials
One company Roll-up at premier location (provided by sponsor)
Company collateral distributed with conference bags
2m*3m exhibition booth with one table and two chairs
Poster Session/Coffee Break - US$12500(US$10000)
Company logo on each poster boards
Signage during coffee break
4 complimentary conference registrations, including conference materials
One company Roll-up at premier location (provided by sponsor)
Company collateral distributed with conference bags
2m*3m exhibition booth with one table and two chairs
Conference Bags - US$10000 (US$8000)
Limited to 2 sponsors
Conference bags imprinted with conference logo
3 complimentary conference registrations, including conference materials
One company Roll-up at premier location (provided by sponsor)
Company collateral distributed with conference bags
2m*3m exhibition booth with one table and two chairs
Conference Proceeding USB Disk - US$10000 (US$8000) Exclusive
Company logo on proceeding USB Disk
3 complimentary conference registrations, including conference materials
One company Roll-up at premier location (provided by sponsor)
Company collateral distributed with conference bags
2m*3m exhibition booth with one table and two chairs
Keynote Speakers - US$10000 (US$8000) Limited to 3 sponsors
Recognition by moderator (could be a committee member from the sponsor company)
when introducing conference keynote speakers
Company logo placed on webpage next to keynote speakers
Photo together with keynote speakers
3 complimentary conference registrations, including conference materials
One company Roll-up at premier location (provided by sponsor)
Company collateral distributed with conference bags
2m*3m exhibition booth with one table and two chairs
Conference Notebook - US$6000 (US$4800) Exclusive
Notebook imprinted with company logo
2 complimentary conference registrations, including conference materials
One company Roll-up at premier location (provided by sponsor)
Company collateral distributed with conference bags
2m*3m exhibition booth with one table and two chairs
(Sponsor to produce the notebook with SEMI's approval)
Conference Pen - US$6000 (US$4800) Exclusive
Pens imprinted with company logo
2 complimentary conference registrations, including conference materials
One company Roll-up at premier location (provided by sponsor)
Company collateral distributed with conference bags
2m*3m exhibition booth with one table and two chairs
(Sponsor to produce the pen with SEMI's approval)
Panel Discussion - US$6000 (US$4800) Limited to 2 sponsors
Panel discussion opening slide with company logo
Opportunity to introduce the moderator at the beginning of the panel
Company logo placed on webpage and proceeding next to panel session
Onsite signage with your company logo listed as the session sponsor
2 complimentary conference registrations, including conference materials
2m*3m exhibition booth with one table and two chairs
Technical Symposium - US$5000 (US$4000)
Company logo placed on webpage and proceeding next to the one selected session
Opening slide for the selected session with company logo
Onsite signage with your company logo listed as the session sponsor
2 complimentary conference registrations, including conference materials
2m*3m exhibition booth with one table and two chairs
If you selected to sponsor 2 symposia, the second one will be half price
Best Young Engineer Awards - US$5000 (US$4000) Limited to 2 sponsors
Recognition by moderator when introducing conference Best Young Engineer Awards
Company logo on the gifts to award winners
Photo together with award winners
2 complimentary conference registrations, including conference materials
2m*3m exhibition booth with one table and two chairs
Best Student Awards - US$5000 (US$4000) Limited to 2 sponsors
Recognition by moderator when introducing conference Best Student Awards
Company logo on the gifts to award winners
Photo together with award winners
2 complimentary conference registrations, including conference materials
2m*3m exhibition booth with one table and two chairs
* Company promotion video should be non-commercial