EHSS 专业委员会(特邀)

日期: 2022年11月2日 周三
地点: 上海国际会议中心,三楼,3CD会议室
地址: 上海浦东新区滨江大道2727号

邀请制会议 (Invitation Only)

SEMI EHSS Advocacy Committee Meeting focuses on environmental, health, safety and sustainability issues. This Committee promotes customer awareness of the technical and business issues facing the SEMI Corporate members in meeting semiconductor industry expectations in EHSS.
SEMI EHSS Advocacy Committee Meeting 2022, will be organized on November 2, 2022 in Shanghai International Convention Center. Committee will discuss EHS issues about Safety Manufacturing, Utility and Materials Use Rate and Energy Efficiency Improvement, etc.

金燕 / Isadora Jin 吴迪 / Ein Wu
Tel: 021.6027.8578 Tel: 021.6027.8509
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