Prof. Michael Kraft

Full Professor of Micro- and Nanosystems
University of Leuven, Belgium


Michael Kraft is a full Professor of Micro- and Nanosystems at the University of Leuven, Department of Electrical Engineering in Belgium since 2017. He heads the Research Division Micro- and Nanosystems and is acting director of the Leuven Institute for Micro and Nanoscale Integration (LIMNI). He also is a guest professor at imec.

Before joining KU Leuven, he was a professor at the University of Liege (2015-17) where he was responsible for the Microsys cleanroom. From 2012-2014, he was at the Fraunhofer Institute for Microelectronic Circuits and Systems in Duisburg, Germany, where he was Head of Department of Micro- and Nanosystems focussing on fully integrated microsensors and biohybrid systems. He concurrently held the W3 Professorial Chair of Integrated Micro- and Nanosystems at the University of Duisburg-Essen.

From 1999 to 2012, he was a faculty member and Professor of Micro-System-Technology at the University of Southampton, UK. He graduated with a Dipl.-Ing. (Univ.) in electrical and electronics engineering at the Friedrich Alexander Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg in 1993. In 1997, he was awarded a PhD from Coventry University, UK on the development of a MEMS accelerometer. He then spent two years at the Berkeley Sensors and Actuator Centre at the University of California working on integrated MEMS gyroscopes. He has more than 25 years of experience in micro- and nano-fabrication techniques, microsensors and actuators and their interface circuits. He has a broad interest in MEMS and nanotechnology ranging from process development to system integration of MEMS and nano-devices. He has published over 300 peer reviewed journal and conference publications as an author or co-author. He also contributed to four textbooks on MEMS as author and editor. He has served on several steering and technical committees of international conferences such as Transducers, ISSCC, IEEE MEMS, IEEE Sensors, Eurosensors, MNE and MME, as well as being an associate editor for the IEEE Sensors Letter, IEEE JMEMS, IOP JMM, MDPI Sensors, and AMA Journal of Sensors and Sensors Systems.