SIIP China: SEMI Innovation and Investment Forum

Date: Sunday, June 28, 2020
Time: 09:00-16:45
Venue: Grand Shanghai Ballroom 3, Kerry Hotel Pudong, Shanghai
Chinese and English Simultaneous Interpretation will be provided

Attendee Registration   Previous Review

SIIP China, SEMI Innovation Investment Platform, aims to be one of the most collaborative and influential investment platform for global semiconductor industry by leveraging SEMI global industrial resources, together with global industrial capital and intelligence. SIIP China: SEMI Innovation and Investment Forum, is one of SIIP China's brand activities held simultaneously with the annual SEMICON China. Besides the Forum, the SIIP China series include Matchmaking Sessions, Theme Discussions, Regular Industry Investment Gathering and Overseas Delegations.

New applications such as Artificial Intelligence, Cloud Computing, Big Data and IoT are bringing big changes to the semiconductor industry. It is expected that 5G will have even more dramatic effects on our daily lives by its higher speed, bigger capacity and low latency. The global semiconductor industry is entering a major period of transition. Being the biggest integrated circuit consumer market in the world, China has been keeping a two-digit growth these years. The trade friction may have added some uncertainty however we look forward to the promising future from the global perspective. No matter how erratic the external environment is, funds, technology, products and talents have always been the key driving forces for the entire eco-system of semiconductor to grow steadily and healthily.

SIIP China: SEMI Innovation and Investment Forum 2020 will focus on the latest policies, diagnose the current situation of the industry, analyze the capital flows and forecast the future. The New-tech Panel will discuss about how deep learning, big data & cloud computing, 5G and manufacturing will bring dramatic changes to the semiconductor industry and what the perspectives of the China market will be.



Agenda / 会议日程:(Tentative agenda and yet to be confirmed 详细日程有待确定)
09:00–09:30 Registration 来宾登记
Welcome Remarks and Introduction of the Moderator 开幕致辞并介绍主持人
Lung Chu
President, SEMI China; Vice President, SEMI
Moderator introduces Speakers 主持人介绍出席嘉宾
Liang Sheng
BDA Administrative Commission Director
Keynote Remarks 贵宾致辞
Ding Wenwu
President, China National IC Industry Investment Fund
Chairman, China High-end Integrated Circuits Alliance
  AM Speeches 嘉宾演讲
Wei Shaojun
Director, Institute of Microelectronics, Tsinghua University
Shen Weiguo
Chairman of the Board, Shanghai Integrated Circuit Industry Investment Fund
Secretary of the Party Committee, General Manager, Shanghai S&T Investment Co., Ltd.
Dr. Handel Jones
CEO, International Business Strategies, Inc.
韩徳尔•琼斯 博士,International Business Strategies首席执行官
Allan Gabor
Merck China President and Managing Director of Performance Materials China
安高博 ,默克中国总裁,默克高性能材料业务中国区董事总经理
11:25 -11:45
Christopher Thomas
Visiting Professor, Tsinghua University & Former Managing Partner, Asia Semiconductor Practice, McKinsey & Company
Risto Puhakka
President of VLSIresearch
Risto Puhakka, VLSIresearch 总裁
12:05–13:30 Lunch break 午休

PM Sessions 下午日程
13:30–15:00 Panel Discussion 科创板圆桌论坛
Topic: Focus on Sci-Tech Innovation Board (STAR Market), Grasp New Opportunities
Moderator 主持人:
Dr. Wei Li
Chairman, Zing Semiconductor Corporation
李炜 博士,上海新昇半导体科技有限公司董事长
Zhang Xin
Senior VP, SMIC; General Manager, SMNC; President, North Integrated Circuit Technology Innovation Center
Chen Datong
Chairman of Investment Committee, Hua Capital Management Ltd
Wang Hui
President, ACM Research (Shanghai), Inc.
Hu Rixin
Deputy director, Offering and Listing Center, SSE; Office Director, Yangtze River Delta Capital Market Service Base; Deputy General Manager, Shanghai Equity Exchange
Li Yongjun
President, Founding Partner, Shanghai Pudong Science and Technology Investment Co.,Ltd
  Lucky Draw 幸运抽奖(HUAWEI P30
15:00–16:50 ESDA Executive Session    IC设计高峰论坛
Topic: New Era of Intelligent Design
Welcome remarks 欢迎致辞
Lung Chu
President, SEMI China; Vice President, SEMI
  Speeches 嘉宾演讲
15:05 – 15:25
Delivering the future of High-perfomance computing
Allen Lee
Corporate Vice President, GM of China R&D Center, AMD
15:25 – 15:45
Enabling AIoT: from open architecture to agile SoC design
赋能AIoT : 从开放架构到敏捷系统芯片设计

Jianyi Meng
VP, T-Head Semiconductor
15:45 – 16:05
EDA Challenges & Solutions for AI Era

Pete Ling
Vice President, China Country Manager, Mentor, A Siemens Business
凌琳,全球副总裁,中国区总经理,Mentor, A Siemens Business
16:05 – 16:25 汪晓煜,Cadence中国区副总经理
16:25 – 16:45
Tiankai Zhu
Asia Semiconductor Practice, McKinsey & Company
16:45–16:50 Thank you 致谢结束
Introduction on ESDA介绍

In 2018, SEMI completed the integration of Electronic System Design Alliance (ESDA). Consisting of major EDA, IP, and fabless companies, ESDA acts as the central voice to communicate and promote the value of the semiconductor design industry as a vital component of the global electronics industry. The ESDA integration brings key capability and further enhances SEMI’s supply-chain coverage and SEMI’s vertical application platforms such as Smart Transportation, Smart Manufacturing and Smart Data as well as key enabling technologies including AI, 5G, and Machine Learning.

2018年SEMI完成了对于ESDA的合并。多年以来,ESDA不遗余力推动半导体设计业的价值, 并成为促进全球电子产业进步至关重要的一关键技术。ESDA的加入使得SEMI如虎添翼,SEMI所覆盖的产业供应链,及SEMI致力推动的垂直应用平台以及核心技术都由此得以延展和加强,涵盖了智能交通、智能制造、智能数据、AI、5G以及机器学习等方方面面。