Design Innovation Forum: Intelligent Applications and Automotive IC's

Date: Thursday, March 27, 2025
Time: 15:30-17:30
Venue: Grand Shanghai Ballroom 3, Kerry Hotel Pudong, Shanghai
Simultaneous Interpretation will be provided.

Attendee Registration   Previous Review

According to the China Association of Automobile Manufacturers, the sales volume of new energy vehicles reaches about 11.50 million, with a year-on-year growth of 20% and a penetration rate of 37.1%. With the advancement of electrification and intelligence in the automotive industry, the number of chips per new-energy vehicle or those equipped with driver-assistance features exceeds 1000. For vehicles with high-level autonomous driving capabilities, the demand for chips per vehicle is over 3,000. Automotive IC is undoubtedly one of the promising market in the coming decade that we can't afford to miss.

Global heavyweights from automotive IC industry will be invited in this year's IC Design Innovation Forum: Intelligent Applications and Automotive IC's to share insights in emerging technology, auto revolution trends, and explore the opportunities and reveal the challenges evolving with it.



Agenda / 议程
15:00-15:30 Registration 注册
Opening Remark 欢迎致辞
Lung Chu, President, SEMI China; Vice President, SEMI
Moderator / 主持人
Dr. Xiaoning Qi, Vice President, Alibaba Group
VIP Keynote Speech 主题演讲
Qing Chu, Chairman/CEO, NPC Tech
Rosemary W.Ho, Founder, Chairman & CEO, CIP United Co.
Fisher Zhang 张震宇
General Manager, Complex SOC BU, Asia, Teradyne
泰瑞达Complex SOC 事业部亚太区总经理
Jianyue Pan, CEO, UNIVISTA
17:25-17:30 Closing Remark 闭幕致辞
* 议程以最终版为准
* Please refer to the final version of Agenda.