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Vice President, ASE Group IEEE Fellow 日月光副总经理 IEEE Fellow Dr. Yifan Guo is currently Vice President of Engineering at ASE Group overseeing the engineering, research and development teams for IC assembly and package technology. He received IEEE fellow for the leadership in interconnect technologies for electronics packaging and reliability analysis and has 30 years of research and manufacturing experience in the field of IC packaging, including optoelectronic devices, MEMS, Flip Chip and Wafer Level Packaging (WLCSP) and SiP module assembly. Prior to joining ASE, Dr. Guo worked at Skyworks, IBM and Motorola respectively. Dr. Guo has published more than 40 papers in renowned scientific journals and more than 50 papers in proceedings of international conferences. He has collaborated with industry experts and professors to publish 7 professional literature and high education textbooks. He currently holds 9 patents, and has another 2 under application. Dr. Guo has a Ph.D. degree in engineering science and mechanics from the Virginia Polytechnic Institute & State University, and also earned an MBA degree from the School of Business, Redlands University. 郭一凡博士目前任职日月光,领导主持半导体器件的封装工艺研发和应用,在电子封装和可靠性分析领域的突出贡献表现当选IEEE Fellow。郭博士拥有封装领域超过三十年的科研和生产经验,研发项目涵括光电器件(Opto-Electronics)、微机电封装(MEMS Packaging)、覆晶封装(Flip Chip)、晶圆级封装(WLCSP)、系统级封装(SiP)等,是该领域的知名专家。 加入日月光之前郭一凡博士在全球知名的高科技公司IBM和Motorola就职多年,组建和领导光电器件封装实验室和科技项目,并在此期间多次荣获科技及产品开发奖。 郭一凡博士在国际知名科技期刊上发表过论文40余篇,在国际会议文集上发表论文50余篇,拥有9项专利,并参与写作发表了7部专业书籍。他曾多次组织和主持国际会议和论坛,被邀请作专题报告30余次。2005年郭博士被清华大学电子封装中心聘请为兼职教授和技术顾问,2007年被上海科学院聘请为顾问专家,2010年在加州大学(University of California Irvine)任兼职教授讲授电子封装方面课程。郭一凡博士于1989 年在弗吉尼亚理工大学(VIRGINIA TECH)获得工程科学博士学位。2005年在加州大学(REDLANDS)取得工商管理硕士(MBA)学位。 |