Yuan Lu 陆原
Technical Marketing Manager, Evatec China Ltd

个人简介 / Biography

Dr. Yuan Lu is a Techical Marketing Manager at Evatec China. He is responsible for the market segments Wireless in terms of strategy and strategic project and customer acquisition. He has a huge interest and strong passion on the advance material AlScN in the application of wireless communication. Dr. Lu was studying crystallography as master major in University of Freiburg. Later on, he joined Fraunhofer IAF in Germany, worked together with Dr. Zukauskaite and Prof. Ambacher on AlScN as an emerging material for next generation communications. In his Ph.D. work, 46% Sc was successfully integrated into AlN with Evatec CLN200 system. Therefore, in Evatec he continues with his career and introduce the advanced technology to the industry.
