Charles Bailley
Senior Director, Asia, Sales, Mktg, & Apps, GaN Systems Inc.


Mr. Charles Bailley, Senior Director, Asia, Sales, Mktg, & Apps
BSEE and MSEE Degrees (Power Electronics / Analog Design)
Director of Marketing, Richtek Technology
FAE and Applications Mgr at IR (CHiL) and ON Semiconductor
Power Electronics Design Mgr at Intel Corporation
Analog IC Design Engineer at Intersil Corporation
U.S. Patents 7,028,194 ; 7,028,194
Former Nuclear Submarine Engineer Officer, U.S. Navy


GaN E-HEMT’s (Enhancement-Mode High Electron Mobility Transistors) are replacing Silicon MOSFET and IGBT as the power semiconductor of choice for next-generation high-Efficiency and high power density power electronics topologies. GaN E-HEMTs are now designed into numerous AC-DC, DC-DC, and DC-AC Applications in Automotive, Industrial, Enterprise, and high-end Consumer segments. Due to the superior physics properties of GaN E-HEMT, versus either Silicon-based or SiC power switching transistors, optimized topologies utilize GaN E-HEMTs in voltage ranges from 48V to 1200V. Accordingly, due to the superior performance of GaN Systems’ Island Technology? GaN E-HEMT design, lateral GaN-on-Silicon E-HEMTs are now available in current ranges up to 250A (single monolithic Device), making GaN E-HEMTs suitable for high-power Applications, via Discretes or Power Modules.