SEMI ECS Student & Engineer Award ---SESEA Award (CSTIC 2018)

Nature of the Award

SESEA Award will be presented during the conference to recognize outstanding scientific and/or engineering work in fundamental or applied semiconductor industrial field by a student or young engineer in the world, particularly in China.

It consists of two groups: one for student and another for young engineer. All the winners will have one year free membership of ECS and free registration fee to one ECS or SEMI conference, and a certificate setting for the reasons for the Award. The Award will be presented at the annual CSTIC meeting.

ECS will provide the three Best Student Awards. Each recipient will receive a scroll, complimentary one year ECS student membership, travel support, in US dollars, (1st place-$2,000, 2nd place- 1,800, 3rd place- $1,500) and complimentary meeting registration to attend and participate in an ECS biannual meeting for up to 18 months from the CSTIC conference.

SEMI will provide the Best Engineer Awards. Each recipient will receive a scroll, complimentary one year SEMI global technical conferences, travel support, in US dollars $1,200.

ECS Best Student Paper Awards

It will be presented during the conference to recognize outstanding scientific and/or engineering work in fundamental or applied semiconductor technologies by a student in the world, particularly in China. The nominee must be a full-graduate student who is the primary author of the paper to be presented at the CSTIC conference.

Submit Best Student Paper Awards Package before January 23, 2018:

1. Biography including a list of publications, patents, professional and educational experiences and a brief support letter.
2. Abstract and Manuscript.
3. Student ID Card or other proof materials.
4. Application for Best Student Award.pdf

The Award winners will be selected by the SESEA Award Committee based on the technical merits of the submitted papers and the supporting materials.

SEMI Best Young Engineer Paper Awards

It will be presented during the conference to recognize outstanding scientific and/or engineering work in fundamental or applied semiconductor technologies by a young engineer in the world, particularly in China. The nominee must be a young scientist or a young engineer who is the primary author of the paper to be presented at the CSTIC conference. The age of the nominee generally should be younger than 40.

Submit Best Young Engineer Paper Awards Package before January 23, 2018:

1. Biography including a list of publications, patents, professional and educational experiences and a brief support letter.
2. Abstract and Manuscript.
3. Application for Young Engineer Award.pdf

The Award winners will be selected by the SESEA Award Committee based on the technical merits of the submitted papers and the supporting materials.

CSTIC Best Poster Awards

It will be given to best posters presented at the conference to recognize outstanding scientific and/or engineering work in fundamental or applied semiconductor technologies by any authors in the world, particularly in China. Three awards will be presented in this category. All poster papers will be eligible for consideration of these CSTIC Best Poster Awards. The Award winners will be selected by the SESEA Award Committee based on the technical merits of the submitted papers and visual presentation of the posters.


Upon approval of the Award recipient by the CSTIC Award Committee, the CSTIC chairman will notify the successful nominee and nominator and will commission the preparation of certificates and documentation for travel assistance. Press releases will be prepared afterward.